Contract and Handbook
Little Ones Childcare
Financial Agreement and Policies
18 S. Woodland Dr.
Fair Haven, NJ 07704
Website: HTTP://
“Where Children Learn and Growâ€ÂÂ
Updated February 2003
Provider-Parent Guardian Childcare Financial Agreement
My goal is to provide your child(ren) with a clean, safe, comfortable environment where they can play and learn with guidance, loving care while you work. We will be integrating curriculum, arts and crafts, and a variety of skill development activities during our days, but my first priority is for your child to HAVE FUN!
In order to make our relationship as enjoyable as possible, the following are some mutual beneficial requirements that are necessary to assure that there are no misunderstandings between either party, that each party is aware of the requirements, and that these requirements are carried out in a businesslike manner. There is a lot of information here. Please read all of it- if you have any questions please ask.
At Little Ones Childcare you are paying for a specific slot, NOT per hour or per day, so no discounts are given if your child does not come to care. I am a professional Child Care Provider, not a babysitter, and as such expect my clients to show respect for my home, family, and myself. I am also a small business owner. My fees, hours and policies are well thought out and non-negotiable. Please keep in mind that I am also a “working parent.†Like you, I too have family demands on my time and a life outside of daycare. I would love for your family to have a chance to enjoy all that my childcare has to offer, but in order for us to have a successful placement for your child you must read and fully accept my terms before we sign a contract. Please read all policies and initial each section where indicated. If you have ANY questions, please ask them! It is very important that we communicate openly from the start! Thank you!
The policies listed below are set forth by the Child Care Provider and are in accordance with state regulations. This contract becomes effective upon acceptance by the parent/guardian and the Child Care Provider. Failure to comply with these policies may result in immediate termination and loss of your deposit and fees at the discretion of the childcare provider.
This contract agreement is between
1. The following agreement is made between:
____________________________ _______________ _______________ ______________
Mother/Legal Guardian SS# Home Phone Work Phone
Home Address
Employers Name And Address
____________________________ _______________ _______________ ______________
Father/Legal Guardian SS# Home Phone Work Phone
Home Address
Employers Name And Address
______________________________________________________________ _____________
Childcare Provider Home Phone
Home Address
1st Child: ____________________________ DOB: ___/___/___
Age: _______ SS#________________________
2nd Child____________________________ DOB: ___/___/____
Age: _______ SS#________________________
The hours and days we have agreed that Dawn will provide care for our child(ren) are:
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
WITH CARE BEGINNING ON: ____/____/ _____
Please notify me in writing if there are any changes to be made to your hours.
Two weeks’ notice and my approval are required before changes are made.
My Daycare Home is open Monday through Friday, from 7:00AM until 5:30 PM. When completing your Financial Agreement we will figure your working hours plus fair commute time and put the "scheduled hours." This will be the agreed upon schedule. I require two weeks notice if you need to change your contracted hours. (You pay for the time you requested and any additional hours, late pick-ups, are to be paid at pick-up at the rate of .00 Per Every 15 Minutes) During the hours your child is in care, please feel free to enter after knocking if the door is unlocked. For the children’s safety the door is usually locked except during normal drop-off and pick-up times. If you need to drop off earlier than scheduled or pick up later than scheduled, you must discuss this with me and receive approval AT LEAST 24 hours in advance. Additional fees will apply. On occasion, I may be able to offer evening, overnight, or weekend care, but please inquire in advance and remember that I am in no way obligated.
You agree to pay Dawn Stover the amount of:
___125 Full Time (Max. 45 Hrs/Week): Per Week, On the Friday prior to care.
___70 Part Time (Max. 19 Hrs/Week): Per Week, On the Friday prior to care.
___125 Kindergarten School Age: Per Week
___70 Before & After School Care (1st Grade and Up): Per Week
___35 Drop In-Rate: (.00 Payable In Advance).
___50 Preschool only per week.
***You Agree to Pay the Full Time Rate of: Per Week for Summer Program And/Or Weeks that there are NO School Days!!!
Your current Daycare hours are considered to be: FT / PT / TEMP / DROP-IN/ Preschool ***INITIAL_________
If I agree to hold a spot(s) for your child/children, we will agree upon an amount of time, and have it in writing. You will be required to pay half the normal fee each week/month, until your child/children fill the spot(s), where upon the full fee will be expected the previous Friday. There may be reason I have to terminate the holding, and this will be for good reason only. It will be discussed before hand.
A non-refundable fee of is required at the time of enrollment and the first Friday Every January thereafter. This fee is used to purchase equipment, arts and crafts supplies, paper towels, soap and preschool supplies for the daycare. If necessary, you may pay the fee in three installments over the first Three weeks of care. INITIAL_________
Full-time care is defined as a maximum of 50 hours per week. Part-time Care is defined as a maximum of 20 hours per week.
Drop-In Childcare Will be charged in full at drop off time.
Payment Is paid at the time the reservation is made.
In order to hold the slot for your child on a particular day/week, the Child Care Provider must be paid in advance for that day/week. No refunds will be given. If your child does not attend day care on that day/week for any reason, no refunds will be given. Receipts will be provided with each payment.
To hold a slot for an extended period, you shall pay for one weeks fee each month that the spot(s) is held. This is non refundable, and is seperate from the deposit and first weeks fee.
Late arrival does not allow late pick-up.
Overtime is considered any time outside the contracted hours and is not based on the number of hours your child is in attendance. The following charges will be assessed for overtime incurred and is payable with your next week's payment.
_ .00 per hour, or fraction thereof, for prearranged overtime.
_ .00 per QUARTER hour, or portion thereof, starting after the first five minutes, if overtime
is not prearranged.
A deposit totaling 1 weeks tuition is due at time of admission. The deposit will be credited towards the last week of Childcare if a 2 Week WRITTEN notice is given. The deposit will NOT be credited if a two-week written notice is not given. The deposit will also be forfeited if the child is NOT enrolled for at least 3 months. The deposit will also be used to pay any fees that are owed at departure. The deposit will be credited during the last week of care, if termination is given in writing and no monies are owed to Family Day Care. If the deposit is forfeited, it becomes the property Little Ones Childcare.
There will be a registration fee in the amount of .00 per child payable upon enrollment and is NON-REFUNDABLE at any time. this fee will hold your child’s spot for one week only.
Payment is due on Friday for the following weeks care and is considered late if not paid at pick-up time. Personal checks should be made out to Dawn Stover. A fee of .00 per day will be assessed if your payment is late. Your child will not be accepted into care on Monday morning unless you have your normal payment plus all late fees due. If payment is not received on Monday morning, the provider may terminate service without notice and the deposit and fees are nonrefundable. If Friday is a holiday then payment is due on Thursday prior to the holiday. Should it be necessary, parent/guardian is responsible for all court costs. INITIAL_________
A .00 charge will be assessed for all returned checks. Parent is also responsible for any additional charges incurred by provider as a result of their check being returned. NO EXCEPTIONS. If your check is returned A 2nd time for any reason future payments MUST BE made in cash. There will also be a .00 late fee made, in cash to the provider.
Holiday schedule for 2003. All holidays are PAID.
2003 Provider Paid Holidays
-New Years Eve
-New Years Day
-Christmas Eve
-Christmas Day
-Memorial day
-Labor day
-July 4th
Regular weekly tuition fees still apply. If you will be working on any of these holidays and are unable to find
alternate arrangements, care MAY be provided for an additional per child per day. (This is at the Providers discretion and ONLY IF SHE IS AVAILABLE.)
Please notify me as at least 2 weeks in advance when you plan to take vacations. I expect full payment for all days and hours your child is normally scheduled to be here. If you choose to take the day off for any reason, you must still pay me to keep your child’s spot open. Payment is due prior to your vacation. INITIAL_________
Provider receives 2-weeks Vacation per year. One week will be taken through the summer months. The Second will be taken the week between Christmas and New Years. Providers Vacation will be listed on the holiday schedule for 2003. If a vacation should need to be changed for any reason I will give parents at least a two-week notice. Parents will be responsible for finding & paying alternate care for these weeks. You will NOT be charged the 2 weeks that I am closed for Vacation.
Provider is also allowed 6 Personal/Sick/Training PAID days per year. Although I make every attempt to be available each day, there will be occasions when I am sick or another family member is sick, I will be closed on these days. I will notify you as soon as possible of any personal or family illness, funeral, or emergency. It will be your responsibility to obtain alternative care and to arrange payment to your alternate provider. Parents/children have 5 sick/personal days (not vacation) which you can use when your child is sick, or another emergency, personal matter.
Occasionally (rare) it may be necessary for me to close for half a day or a full day due to appointments. I will make every effort to schedule appointments during my off time. I will let you know as soon as possible of any closures due to appointments. I strongly suggest that you have a family member, friend, or an alternate provider lined up for times I am unable to provide care.
Little Ones Childcare is A Non-Smoking Environment For the Health and Welfare of Our Children.
The main goal of this day care is to have fun, improve social , cognative, language, and motor skills and encourage creative expression, and independance.
We will utilize a variety of activities to accomplish this goal. Free play, reading, arts and crafts, music/singing, sand, water play,
dancing, dramatic play/pretend, puzzles, and nature study are just some of the activities we will be
doing. It is my goal to have a variety of toys readily available to the children. Tactile and sensory projects are a part of my basic program. We will utilize a variety of experiences each day. They may include small chores, like watering plants, baking cookies, clearing the table after meals, etc. Studies have shown that these types of activities nurture a sense of well-being and belonging in children, and contribute dramatically towards the development of self-esteem. Children may participate in daily preschool activities.The goal of these activities is to have fun, and provide extra learning stimulation for the older children. It will not be a rigorous academic program as young children still learn best from participating in and observing the environment around them. ** INITIAL_________
Arrival - 8:00 - Free Play, as children arrive
8:00-8:30 - Breakfast
8:30-9:00 - clean up, ready for circle time
9:00 -11:00 - Circle Time/Preschool/project (songs, stories, finger plays, calendar, weather, number, letter and color.) (possible short snack break)
11:00 - 12:00 -Large Motor Activities (Hopefully, outside play...otherwise, we will dance, play games, etc. indoors)
wash hands/potty
12:00 - 12:30 - Lunch
12:30 - 12:45 - Clean Up
12:45 - 1:00 - Story Time
1:00 - 3:00 -nap/rest time
3:00 - 3:20 - Put Mats Away, Wash Hands
3:20-3:40 - Snack Time
3:40 - 4:00 - second circle time, or messy activity (painting, clay etc..)
4:00-5:00 - Outside Play (Free Play or Special Activity, if inclement weather)
5:00………Pick up Majority of Toys in Preparation to go home.
This Schedule is just a Guideline. Since we are in a Home Environment we are able to be Flexible J
Children are to arrive clean and fed (unless arriving before a meal time). I prefer that there are no pick-ups or drop-offs during the designated daily quiet time, but if it is necessary, please be as quiet as brief as possible. Children who arrive during quiet time will be expected to remain quiet (they may play/read quietly) until quiet time is over, so that others will not be disrupted from their naps.
It is normal for some children to have difficulty separating from parents, or cry when dropping off. Please make your drop off brief, the longer you prolong the departure, the harder it gets. A smile, cheerful good-bye kiss, and a reassuring word that you will be back is all that is needed. In my experience, children are nearly always quick to get involved in play or activities as soon as parents are gone.
Please be brief at pick up times, as well. This is a time of testing, when two different authority figures are present (the parent and the provider). All children will test to see if the rules still apply. During arrival and departure, I expect parents to back up our rules. (see House Rules), but if you do not, I will remind the child that their behavior is inappropriate and take action to correct, if needed. Please be in control of your child during pick up times.
Please remember then when completing the Emergency Form. Please inform emergency contacts, or people designated to pick up your child, that if I do not know them, and the child is too young to recognize them ("Hi, Grandma!"), then I will need to ask for identification. I do not mean to offend them. This is simply a measure taken for the child’s protection.
Please do not allow your child to walk to the door by themselves at drop off. It is important to take a minute to walk them to the door and greet me. This gives us both the opportunity to discuss any schedule changes for the day or anything else.
At pick up, please do not let your child leave the house until you are leaving also. They can be in the street in an instant or any other number of things could happen.
It helps your child tremendously if they are aware that you will be arriving early (or late) in that they come to expect regularity and thrive on it. Please keep me informed so as I can in turn keep the child informed!
Drop-off and pick-up times are not good times to discuss serious problems. Little ears and minds hear and understand everything. I am not comfortable discussing a child in the presence of anyone, but their parents. Topics that concern day-to-day events or light-hearted discussion are fine.
Do not forget to sign your child in and out everyday.
All children must be signed in and out. There is a binder on a table in the entry. Each child has their own section (separated by dividers) and a monthly sign in/out sheet. Please sign them in and out with the current time and your initials. Use the "Notes" column to make note of important information (I.E.: a morning dose of medication, early pick up time, dr. appointment, new work phone number, etc.).
The childcare must be notified in the case of absences, waiting for children to arrive affects our schedule. Please be courteous and inform us of absences and lateness.
We do our best to maintain strict cleanliness and hygiene standards. Children's hands are washed before and after meals, coming in from outside and after toileting, if these skills are stressed at home also, your child may remain a good hand-washer when he/she gets older. We use paper towels for drying hands, so children do not have to use the same towel.
Infants sleep in separate cribs/Play-Pens with clean sheets, used only by them. Beginning at toddler age, washable nap mats are used. Each child has a separate nap mat, with a sheet. These are washed weekly (unless soiled, then they are washed as often as necessary) and mats are wiped with bleach water.
All children being transported while in my care will use seat belts in the appropriate type of seat for each child’s weight and age. Parents are responsible for furnishing the appropriate car seat. In addition to field trips there will be short trips to the park or grocery store. A note will be left on the door at these times. I will not at any time, leave a child in an unattended vehicle.
Extended Absence:
In cases of your potential absence due to maternity leave, summer, or extended leave from your job, I will require ½ of your regular weekly tuition for the entire time of your absence to hold your child’s position. I must receive at least a 2-week written notice and the leave must be for longer than a 2-week period. This is at the providers discretion.
ADMISSION :Before I will assume responsibility of caring for your child I MUST have the following:
__ This contract signed by both parents (unless legally separated).
__ Copy of Immunization Card
__ Emergency Medical Authorization
__ Permission to Administer Medication
__ Emergency Transportation Authorization
__ Child Pick-Up Form
__ Emergency Contacts
__ Childs Information sheet
__ Travel Authorization
__ Food Program Enrollment Form
All new children will be cared for on a two-week trial basis. During this trial period, either party may terminate care. After this trial period, a two-week written notice is required by either party to terminate the childcare agreement.
Termination notice will NOT be accepted while provider or parents are on vacation. Parents are financially responsible for the final two weeks care whether or not their child attends my program. Parents may pay two weeks instead of two weeks notice. Provider reserves the right to terminate care for the following reasons (but not limited to:
__ Late Payment __ Late Pickup __ Dishonesty __ Lack of parental cooperation.
__ Blatant disrespect towards provider or provider’s family. __ Lack of compliance to outlined policies.
__ If parents knowingly bring their child ill. __ Failure to complete required forms.
__ Failure of child to adjust to the Child Care after a reasonable time.
__ Failure to get required immunizations. __ My inability to meet your child’s needs.
__ Serious illness of child or provider.
__ Unacceptable behavior that interferes with the atmosphere of the child care home and/or is
detrimental to the well being of others.*
*Provider reserves the right to give written notice of immediate termination in this case. Two
week's payment is still required.
It is state law and also my responsibility as a childcare provider to report any and all abuse or neglect performed on a child. I cannot turn my head on a child that has been abused or neglected. Therefore, I will notify Children's Protective Services and the Police Department when it appears that a child in my care is being physically, sexually, or emotionally abused, neglected, or exploited.
Under no circumstances will your child be released to anyone other than those listed on your Child Pick-up Record. In case of an emergency, if someone other than you will be picking up your child, you will need to call and let me know. I will ask the person for ID.
Parents are responsible for supplying
*a full change of clothing, including socks,
and any other supplies your child may need. (Please See Current Supply List). I ask that parents bring a jumbo package of diapers and refill package of wipes (per child) at the beginning of each month. This should last your child for the entire month. All parents who have children who are not potty trained will need to supply wipes. If it becomes necessary for me to supply wipes or diapers for your child, reimbursement will be expected no later then your next payment date. Please have your child bathed and dressed for play. A clean child is a healthy child. I expect your child to arrive dressed for the day and weather, including snow clothing, and bathing suits, as we will be going outside every day considering the childs comfort and safety.
All personal belongings should be marked with child's name. It is not necessary to bring eating utensils, cups or
dishes, as they will be supplied. If any of these items are brought, they must be marked with the child's name, to
avoid mix-ups with other children. Donations help me keep costs down, so if you have any of the following items on hand and are willing to donate them, it would be greatly appreciated. This is not mandatory. Snack Foods (fruits, crackers, etc) Dress up clothing, costumes, jewelry, hats, etc. Magazines for cutting, especially ones like National Geographic that depict other cultures, or any that have lots of pictures of people, children, or animals. We are looking for pictures that would appeal to children. Paper of any kind, brown, white, colored, waxed, foil, etc.
Crayons, water color paints, or any misc. art supplies, such as fabric scraps, glitter, pipe cleaners, paper plates, etc.
IDEAS! We welcome any ideas that you may have for fun activities or crafts!!!
I teach the children creativity, problem solving, and pride in their skills. Sometimes these values get messy. Some days we will be painting, so please send your child in appropriate clothing. Please dress your child for real success. If there is an occasion that calls for special clothing, please bring this clothing in an extra bag and I will help your child change before you arrive for pickup. Provider is not responsible for your child’s clothing or personal items brought into childcare home. I will let you know when I need more supplies for you child.
Please know that if the child is unwilling to share this toy with the other children it will be put away until the end of the day. I do not mind if a child brings a toy from home, but if a certain item becomes a problem I will have to ask that item be left at home. I am not responsible for such items so use your discretion when allowing a child to bring toys from home.
Nutritious breakfast, lunch, and snacks will be provided for all children at no additional cost. All meals will meet the guidelines of the Child Care Food Program, which is monitored by the state of New Jersey. I submit my meals to them monthly and have three to four in-home visits during business hours yearly.
Meals are at scheduled times and if your child is going to arrive after a meal is scheduled to be served, you must feed them before bringing them to child care. Any child not present for a meal will wait until the next meal is served. Exceptions will be made for infants. I will feed infants on demand.
8:00-8:30 Breakfast
12:00-12:30 Lunch
3:20-3:40 P.M. Snack
All children will be offered the same foods and will NOT be forced to eat them. If they choose not to eat, they will not be offered anything until the next mealtime. If your child has special dietary needs I must have them in writing. If these needs are numerous or difficult to meet, I will ask you to provide the required food.
Please do not allow your child to bring in food, candy or gum from home. Also, please do not allow your child to carry any food or snacks into the house. (bottles and sippy cups are fine, if labeled) They often end up on the floor or in the playroom. Please do not make me the “bad guy†by having to take it away at drop off. Even young children understand “rules†and will follow them if encouraged by their parents. If you wish to bring something Please Bring enough to share with everyone! Please let me know in advance in case of allergies or food problems!
Children can benefit from the opportunities offered by daycare when they attend regularly. Therefore, consistent and prompt attendance is advised. If your child will be late or absent, please notify me no later than your child’s regular arrival time in the morning. I encourage you to spend days off, vacations, and holidays with your child when possible, but need for you to inform me of these days in advance. You are required to keep your child home when ill and need to inform me as soon as possible in the event that you must stay home with your child.
Under no circumstances should you bring your child to care sick (fever of 100.6 or higher, vomiting, diarrhea not contained in a diaper, sore throat, runny nose other than clear, draining eyes or ears, unexplained rash, lice, etc.) If you are not sure your child is well enough to attend Child Care, call and discuss it with me.
Masking your child’s symptoms with over-the-counter medications and bringing them to care anyway are grounds for immediate termination with loss of deposit and fees.
Each child will have 3 sick days MAXIMUM a year unpaid.
It is also inconsiderate to all families involved. A sick child should be allowed to recuperate fully at home after an illness so that the other children and the provider do not risk unnecessary exposure. If you are unable to stay home with your sick child it will be necessary for you to make arrangements at your own expense.
If your child is out ill after using his/her 3 sick days, regular fees still apply. If your child becomes ill while in my care I will call you immediately. You will be expected to pick your child up within 1 hour. If you do not show within an hour, I will begin calling the people on your Child Admission Record. Your child may be brought to care if they have a common cold (which means a slight cough, clear runny nose, sneezing); however I will call you if your child is just plain miserable (whining, crying, repeatedly asking for you).
Provider reserves the right to determine when a child should be sent home. Your child may return to care 24 hours AFTER symptoms of illness end. Which means if your child is sent home with a fever, diarrhea, or vomiting they cannot return until they have been symptom free for 24 hours without the aid of medications. I am responsible for the health and well being of many children so I will closely follow state regulations when it comes to illness. I understand and respect your need to be at work, but your cooperation is extremely important on this issue. Please call by your normal drop off time if your child will not be attending that day.
My home will be open for child care in inclement weather, unless I inform you that conditions make it
too dangerous for me to care for children. If I close due to dangerous weather conditions on a child care day, you
are required to pay me for that day.
State law prohibits me from giving your child medication of any kind unless you have filled out and signed a Permission to Administer Form. The only exception is Tylenol, which I can give your child with verbal permission. I can only give the dosage on the package and I can only administer medication that you have supplied. I recommend that you bring a small container of Tylenol, marked with your child's name, to leave here. All medication must be in the original, labeled container. Prescription medications must also have a written doctor’s note. I have forms for this purpose. I will supply each parent with several forms. I recommend you keep these forms in the glove box of your car so that you have them in the event you need to take your child to the doctor.
Minor bumps and scrapes are inevitable, but I make every effort to keep your children safe through supervision
and childproofing. Minor injuries will receive appropriate first aid, and if an emergency injury or illness occurs,
you will be contacted immediately. If necessary you child will be transported by ambulance to the nearest hospital. Parents are responsible for costs involved in emergency medical treatment, including transportation if required.
Dawn Stover/Little Ones Childcare will not be responsible for any illness/injury of either child or parent/guardian while on the premises, or while the child is in the company of the provider during field trips or outings.
All immunizations must be kept up to date. Any child found not up to date will have 24 hours notice to receive required immunizations. The provider can refuse to care for any child (ren) if required immunizations have not been received.
All children 5 years and under will be required to lie down for a nap/quiet time each day. This will be a two-hour rest period, between 1:00pm-3:00pm (depending on our morning activities). I will not force your child to sleep but they must lie down quietly. If your child does not go to sleep, he/she may be given a book, puzzle or something else they can play with quietly. INITIAL_________
It is expected that your child be respectful of my personal property and furnishings. A certain amount of “wear and tear†is normal, but if your child is malicious upon breaking or damaging any item, I will expect reimbursement in full for the replacement cost of a like or identical item. This reimbursement is due with your next week's payment.
I will assist in potty training with the understanding that it will only work if we work together. Your child will not learn if they do not do it while in my care and at home. You must work with your child at home, either during vacation or over a weekend before I will begin potty training here. Clothing should be easy to manage to encourage self-help skills. Buckles, belts, and suspenders when in a hurry to use the bathroom may create a problem. I also require that each potty training child have 6 changes of training pants or pull ups, extra changes of clothing are also necessary, including socks.
*Staying dry for 2 hours or during nap.
*Bowel movements are regular and predictable.
*Wanting wet or soiled diapers changed.
*Demonstrating interest in using the potty.
*Understanding and cooperating with simple instructions.
*Indicating with words or gestures, the need to use the potty.
OTropriateCurrent Supply List)., Jan 21stNLY time of termination amy be higher thanm work for a Period of time, I will requireDISCIPLINE
I believe positive discipline should be used to teach a child. The children are explained the rules of the child care home frequently so that all know the guidelines. Once a child understands the rules and obeys them, the following techniques are used. These techniques are: Redirection, Positive disipline , (example: "gently touch Nikki's hair please" instead of "Don't pull her hair!") short Time Out for older children, Removal of privileges, and Last resort-when a child’s behavior is constantly upsetting or dangerous to myself or others, a conference will be called with the parents. I will never use sleep, food, or potty time as a disipline of any kind, nor for a reason for disipline!! INITIAL_________
Birthdays and Celebrations:
At Little Ones ChildCare we will observe special days with activities, treats and possibly outings. You are welcome to bring treats, decorations, games, etc. to help celebrate as long as there is enough for everyone. Please discuss this with me in advance so we can plan accordingly.
Children participate in field trips at various times throughout the year. Parent volunteers are always welcome and appreciated. Notice of field trips will usually be given in the monthly newsletter. Occasionally, there may be fees related to the trips to cover entry fees or to pay for a helper if a parent volunteer is not available. I will take all possible precautions when transporting the children in my car. The parent is responsible for providing a carseat.
It is not necessary your child attend these field trips but you will be required to find alternate care for your child
if he/she does not attend. Regular childcare fees will still apply for field trip days, whether
or not your child attends.
Referrals from a current client are one of the biggest compliments I can receive. As a special thank you, Little Ones childcare offers families 50% Off 1 Weeks Tuition of care for (for one child) each referral that enrolls. Your Discount will be deducted from your weekly fee after the referred child has attended for 4 weeks. Rate of discount will be figured based on your contracted hours of care.
I will supply a written receipt for each payment made. I will also supply you with a W-10 so that you may claim your childcare credit on your taxes. This W-10 will be given to you in January of the New Year. It is imperative that both parties claim the same amount on their taxes as this will send up a flag to the IRS and may result in an audit of both parties. If you think that the amount is incorrect then you must let me know so that it can be researched and corrected if needed.
All forms and contracts will be renewed annually on January 1. All previous forms are obsolete.
Open Door Policy:
At Little Ones Childcare, you can always be assured that the door is open to you. Please feel free to drop in and check on your child, however, keep in mind a child adjusting to a new surrounding will want to leave with you if you pop up for a visit. Please keep in mind there may be times when it is not possible for me to run to the phone (diaper changing, bottle feeding, etc.) If the phone goes unanswered, please do not become alarmed, simply leave me a voice mail and I will call you as soon as I am able.
Communication is very important to me. When I accept a new family into my home, I like to be sure that we can share openly any concerns or questions that may arise. It is important that there is a similar childcare philosophy between us.
I welcome questions, feedback, or discussions of any kind that affect a positive outcome for the child. Sensitive issues will be discussed outside of regular hours either by phone or a scheduled conference.
You may call me between 7:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m. If you call during the day, please be aware that I may be busy with the children and may not be able to answer the phone. If you will leave a message on my voice mail, I will call you back as soon as possible.
I provide a monthly newsletter that will explain some of the activities we are doing, events that will be happening, my days off, and any other pertinent, fun or helpful information that may be of interest to you. You are always welcome to contribute to our newsletter.
Parents will receive a daily report. Some typical things that you may find on this note would be Daily Activities, feedings, diaper changes, naps, and things to remember or to bring.
All parents should check our board on the door for important information, items you need to bring, special announcements, etc.
I welcome and encourage your input. Please feel free to talk to me at anytime. You are welcome to visit your child at anytime. I feel that we are a team raising your child. If we can work together then your child can feel secure in knowing they have two families who love them very much. I grow to love each child I keep very much and I am always glad to have a chance to be a part of their lives.
To help keep down expenses, I would like to ask you to donate any scrap paper you may have for drawings, art projects, painting, etc. I may also occasionally send home a list of recyclable items that I can use. Do not limit yourself to these lists. If you have an item that you think we can use, then send it over! INITIAL_________
Equal Opportunity Provider:
Little Ones Childcare is an equal opportunity provider. Applications for enrollment are accepted without regard to race, religion, sex or national origin.
Please notify me at least one Hour Before your childs scheduled time if your child will not be attending for the day OR if your child will arrive later than normal contracted time.
If you will not be reachable at your normal telephone number listed on your enrollment form, please let me know and give me an alternate phone number if possible so that you may be contacted promptly in the event of an emergency.
Parents are required to keep me informed of any change in address, telephone numbers and other pertinent information.
No smoking is allowed on the premises. Please do not leave cigarette butts in the driveway, yard or walkways.
The day care home will have fire drills at least once per month.
Parents are encouraged to call me at any time during the day or evening. Lots of times I will not be available to answer the phone as I am quite busy with the children. Please leave a message and I'll return your call as soon as possible.
I will give a minimum of 2 weeks written notice of any increase in fees or significant changes to this agreement. Notification will require your signature.
I retain the right to enforce these policies at will. Lack of enforcement of a certain policy at any time does not indicate that the particular policy is no longer in effect.
I/We have read, understand, and agree to abide by the fees and polices as stated in this Agreement.
_____HAVE requested
_____HAVE NOT requested
A copy of this agreement for our records.
Mother/Guardian Signature________________________ Date_____________
Father/Guardian Signature_________________________ Date_____________
Provider Signature_______________________________ Date_____________
____ Initial ____ Renewal
Revised: February 2002